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Some verses that pertain to the Gospel
Acts2, 19, and certain other verses from other chapters.
Romans, various verses and chapters.
"We preach Yahshua Messiah ("Jesus Christ") and Him crucified/sacrificed…"
"For there is no other Foundation (laid) than That Which has already been laid, and that’s Yahshua Messiah…"
"… the basics of the doctrine of Messiah…" Hebrews6:1 (Also, Chapter 5, and others.)
I am hoping He will grant me (and others) Wisdom and remembrance of what He has taught me (and them/us), and that I (we) will be able to make it short and to the point, correcting "new age" influences and traditions of men without stirring up strife, but stirring hearts to a correct Gospel.
This is important to me and to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost/Spirit, for the Gospel is the very foundation of what makes us the children of Yah!
I want to see the true Gospel preached lest the wicked say, "If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?!" May YHWH restore the foundations of the Faith on the foundation of Yahshua Messiah! HalleluYah! (Pray for me!)
It could take a few days, and many hours of typing, praying, and looking up verses, but I want to do this for The Gospel’s and His Name’s sake. Thank Yah.
© 1999 by Stephen DeVore, Seattle, WA. All rights reserved.