In Him, Stephen.
Fill in the blank:What is your gender?
Male {No comment necessary here.}
How old are you?
36 - 40
What is your marital status?
Single/Never been married
What is your weight?
(Male) 151 lbs - 165 lbs (Female) 101 lbs - 115 lbs {You know which applies, IF you
were paying attention!}
What is your height?
5 ft. 10 in. - 6 ft.
What is the color of your hair?
Brown hair
What is the style of your hair?
Short straight hair
What color eyes do you have?
Do you have eyewear?
I wear cheap sunglasses {Keep in mind that until the area below where I actually got
to type something, these answers came from a list of choices from which I HAD to choose
because they were the only choices to choose from! You will keep that in mind?
How would you describe your physique?
Thin {Normal, Average.}
How important is the Christian faith in your life?
Right on top of the list {Or at least it should be!}
What best describes your religious affiliation?
Pentecostal/Charismatic {1 Cor 12:7 - "But the manifestation of the Spirit is given
to every man to profit withal." (KJVu) KJVu is something I made
coined; it means KJV updated by me. Italics was added by me because the Interlinear
in PC Study Bible says this word is an "inserted word.")
What do you "do" in the Christian meetings you attend?
How do you view your level of spiritual maturity?
On my way to maturity - I know who is in the Trinity {One of their choices, not my own
Your current living situation is?
Single living with roommate/kid(s) {NOT kids, though sometime we may act like it!}
Where are you calling from?
Pacific USA {Pacific NW}
In what type of dwelling do you live?
I reside in a house
Describe your transportation?
Space Shuttle {Okay, OK. I decided 10 years ago not to own a car. This may
change after year 2000 models are released. So, there is someone who trusts me to
borrow a vehicle; and I rent a lot! Buses are fine; so is walking. I rarely
take taxi cabs, but when in NY I did use the subway, which means that I take planes.
(And roller coasters!) J }
How accessible is this system to you?
I have my own terminal and can call often {Or did they mean transportation. Just
kidding. This wording was one of the choices I had to choose from on the online
What is your annual income?
None of your business J {I don't mean YOU, but I
basically don't tell anyone.}
What type of work do you do?
Self employed or Other (be specific in the essays) {No, I don't want to. I
also work as a video camera operator. We tape city meetings and workshops for cable
Do you favor a particular color?
No favorite color {How can someone have a favorite color?}
Of this list, what is your favorite OUTDOOR activity?
Snow skiing {In the summer?!? Lots.}
Of this list, what is your favorite INDOOR activity?
Other (be specific in the essays) {Lots.}
What is your favorite type of music?
Heavy Metal {OK, so I'm being a bit funny here. Actually, lots of music
qualifies as my favorite, from a ballad to Zeppelin's FIRST album. (So their later
stuff was sometimes pretty bad. The first album was really bluesy, from slow to
fast. Excellent if you can stand "rock" at all.) I'm not
losing you here, am I?}
Have you ever lived or traveled overseas?
I have never been overseas {Does Hawaii count?}
How would you describe your sense of humor?
I am very sarcastic {BAD, I know. But I do range from very silly and goofy to
very straight-face, dry wry.}
If you could have any pet, which one of the following would you choose?
a Stuffed animal {I think animals are beautiful. But they don't belong in a
house. Sorry. They really don't.}
Do you drink?
I rarely drink {And small quantities if I do. I believe the Bible not only
permits alcohol, but in certain cases SUGGESTS it. E.G., Proverbs 31:6; Psalm
104:15; etc.}
Do you smoke?
I do not smoke {Yucky.}
Do you follow fashion?
Fashion is a joke {I like to be clean. I enjoy really long showers!}
How much into planning are you?
I plan most things, but am flexible
How neat are you?
My clothes mingle a lot
What Ethnic/Race best describes you ?
I'm White {Lots of European, and who knows anyway but the Maker what else.}
Do you feel you have:
Above average looks {Except in the morning.}
You might be best described as:
I don't fit in any category {I don't even REMEMBER the categories.}
Your friends would describe your intellect as:
Are you more of a:
Thinker (competitive, logical, perfectionistic) {Sorry, that's the truth. I do
try NOT to compete in personal relationships. I believe competition there is wrong.
Love one another, right?}
Describe your television viewing habits.
I wait 'til the signoff and watch the snow {Well, this is more like waking and
sleeping habits.}
Where would you prefer to live?
In the next age {Absolutely.}
Current education level:
Associate degree or technical training {Actually, both and more.}
How do you feel about the accomplishments in your life?
I haven't done many of the things I really want to do {Yes. Would getting
married be an accomplishment... hmm.}
When going somewhere,
I am usually on time {Well, maybe not.}
Pick a Great Escape:
A ride on the Space Shuttle {Someplace fun. And useful. And educating.}
Which is your favorite season?
Summer {Strange for one who said skiing is a favorite activity. I have LOTS of
favorite activities. Keep in mind that until the "essays," these answers
are mostly/all something I HAD to choose; they were the only choices listed. You
didn't forget that did you?}
Would you consider having an encounter with someone from this system?
I'd meet someone at a public place {"System" meant the singles listing.}
What style of dress do you prefer?
I dress to be comfortable
I would rather watch a movie:
From the projection booth
When I purchase items such as a TV, stereo, or clothing, I always:
Spend the most I can afford {This seems like a very big exaggeration. I don't
even know why I would have selected this. The other answer choices must have been
pretty strange. Hmm. Actually, I spend as LITTLE as possible on new,
high-quality clothes. Stereo, same idea.}
What is your main source for current events?
Broadcast television news (evening) {Actually, it depends.}
What type of food do you enjoy the most?
Thai food {Now I'm hungry. Great. (See? Sarcasm.)}
What type of movie do you like the best?
Action {On the other hand a Frank Capra-directed film from the '30s is my
favorite/one of my favorite films: "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town." Dumb
title, great film.}
How do you feel about children?
Other (be specific in the essays) {I don't even know how I feel about marriage yet!}
Finally, why did you call?
Just looking / Curious {Call?}
Essay Answers: Describe the type of person you might be interested in meeting and what traits you find attractive (or annoying *smile*).
If you were to meet someone for the first time, what would be the "perfect"
setting? What would someone notice first about you?
The Throne of Grace is the perfect place for fellowship. {Hebrews 4:16}
Share briefly about your Christian faith in terms of how it started, where you are at
now (your involvement in Christian fellowship) and your goals.
A man preached Jesus to me. I committed my whole life to Jesus. I believe I am {we are}
complete in Him, but that there may be a wife who will be a suitable helper in doing the
Will of the Most High.
Describe your personality and physique. (Here is a good place to make up for not having
a photo on-line or telling things photos can't tell *grin*).
Intense and with a dry wit. At times very silly. Average Height and Weight.
Tell us about your sports, hobbies, musical abilities, and pets. Do you have any
memorable moments associated with any of these?
Compose music. Write songs and lyrics. Write Biblical essays. Have had so many hobbies in
years past, but time is taken up with more pressing matters. Used to love playing team
sports (school, competitive volleyball, etc.). Now sports are more recreational (tennis,
snow skiing, occasional racquetball, etc.). Frisbee, anyone? {Computers take up more
time than I'd like. Help, get me outta here!}
What do you do professionally? How long have you been in that line of work? Where do
you want to be in 5 years? 10 years?
Production Assistant (Video camera operator) for broadcast of city meetings. I have 3
degrees (Audio, MIDI, AA). 3.91 GPA. Graduated with honors.
If YHWH wills and I live, I plan to:
I definitely want to be far more Spiritual by then! {Please pray for me, for my growth that is!}
Where are you calling from? Where were you born? What is your ethnic origin or
ancestry? List some of the places you have lived.
Been a Seattlite all my days (except for entering into the Holy of Holies!). I wouldn't
mind moving somewhere drier and warmer! But it is beautiful here (the dark clouds aside).
My mom tells me that I have French, German, and Irish in me. (And maybe a wee bit of American Indian, Blackfoot, but we're not sure. My mom sure seems to have the features of an Indian woman!) {She told me recently some other European. What were they - Mom!? Guess I have to ask her again.}
Where did you attend high school and/or college? What was your favorite subject
and/or your major?
{High school: Seattle Lincoln and Blanchet.} I have taken so many classes at
the community college and at the University of Washington that if I had a BA by now, I
would have virtually about a year of extra credits. My focus was Music Composition,
Performance, Audio Engineering, MIDI, and Multimedia.
I have degrees in Audio Engineering (recording), MIDI Music Production (synthesizers), and an AA (Yes, that's three degrees).
I'm interested, maybe, in Multimedia and Web development (and a degree in one, the other, or both).
What contributed most to your previous relationship/marriage not continuing?
No such animal. Never been married. Have gone out with women, but didn't plan to get
serious until after 25 (our mom's suggestion). {Gotta listen to mom don't you?} Since then
I have yet to find a woman who is engaging - who is my type - and who is equally
interested in me. {interested in each other at the same time, that is!}
Believe it or not, I'm looking for Beautiful (inside and out) and Perfect. (Yes, the Bible does teach such a teaching. Matt 5:48, and dozens of other passages.)
Are you beautiful and perfect?
And yet still modest and humble! {Why, of course.}
Difficult times for me have recently caused me to have to face more anger than I would like - both in others and in myself. {Disappointments have been difficult for me of late too.}
PRAY, please, that His Peace will grab hold of me, and fill me with sweet Love for His Heart and for His people. HalleluYah! Thank You, Yah! {Absolutely.}
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be, and why?
I want to change my lack of self-disciple and of self-control. (Why? Because we want to be
conformed to the image of His Son!) {It would be nice to be timely as well.
How often I do one important thing only to find that I've run out of time to do
another important task.}
What are some of your favorite artists/paintings, musicians/songs, authors/books and
ARTISTS: Keith Green, Steve Taylor, MWS {Michael W. Smith}, dare i list the secular? (no).
SONGS: Hero (S.T.); Those shoes by the Eagles. s.a.d. by me! {If you haven't hear
that first album I mentioned earlier, don't stick out your tongue. I virtually
stopped listening to music after I committed my life to "Jesus" (Yahshua).
For years. It sounds strange, I know. Everywhere I would go practically
there would be music. The car, the elevator, the store, someone's abode, assembly,
even work! And keep in mind, I enjoy composing, and would hear music in my heart and
mind. For the past few years I have been playing catch-up, and paying more attention
to the works of others.}
BOOKS: The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster (excellent adult/children's book). MOVIES: Mr. Deeds Goes to Town; Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. {Did I really put that one in here? Yeah, it's got a great message, though fancifully told.} ACTORS: Harrison Ford.
What are some sayings, quotes, or Bible verses that mean a lot to you?
Acts 3:19
Times of Refreshing! in His Presence!!
Jude 14-21
A Voice in my mind/spirit woke me with this reference, "Jude 14 21." Three times
It spoke to me and woke me up! And I REALLY needed to read and heed these verses.
{And a similar passage. These verses saved me from a heresy based on the Gr.
word parousia. If you don't know it, never mind for now. If you do,
you may know what I mean without my having to explain it. And Jude 14 through 21
answers that issue to a tee.}
Hebrews 4:3,10;
2 Corinthians 5:17; and
Galatians 6:15-16
These passages, for me, answer the works vs. grace debate! {Read in the KJV or NKJ
and NAS.}
If you were to inherit a fortune, what would you do with it?
A fortune: Depends on the form and the amount, and my current calling and His leading.
I desire to see people go door-to-door with the Great News, to every nearby door possible! I would want to employ them, and pay them to do this. What a wonderful privilege and job!!
If He willed, I might want to buy a recording studio, market my music, hire musicians (orchestra, studio, touring) and orchestrators; make videos; do documentaries; ministry-related activities.
And travel would be nice for a change. {Did I mention investments, house(s), automobile(s), and BUILDING a recording studio? I really want to compose and record. Gotta find a place! Pray I find a great one!}
What is your favorite thing to receive as a gift? What is your dream vacation?
RECEIVE? Giving. You who give to the poor, do you not give to yourself ("lend to the
LORD")? Grace is wonderful to minister to others. It is a blessing to the whole Body.
Receive? Eternal Life and the Redemption of my body.
"Dream Vacation." I have no vacationing dreams, but to share the dreams of a wife who is a beautiful friend.
Most vacations sound fun to me, or interesting, or edifying, or depressing, depending on conditions of course. I'm getting silly now. Where do YOU want to go? (And why is it a DREAM anyway?)
Any additional comments? Is there anything about you that the questionnaire didn't cover (like the size of your shoes *smile*)
If you're our Father's gift to me, and if I am His gift to you, please help.
I need you.
I have wanted you.
I have longed for you.
I want to embrace you for real!
Being led by His Holy Spirit, you will not flirt with other men.
Please, my Bride! Be holy! Be His!! Be mine!!
HalleluYah! Praise Yah!
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